Saturday, March 22, 2014

Play Local OR Die

I`m still going hard that on local ish!

I never stopped playing local hip-hop.Now I`m not playing it for the masses but I still play it for myself.This time around I decided to go online and shop for `em latest joints. I almost have all the current hits,from Duncan`s Tsiki Tsiki to KO`s Caracara to DreamTeam`s Phambili.

I`ve been buying local music on iTunes and Ovi and also getting those free links.By local I don`t mean only the commercial stuff but also the underground one,because for the name doesn`t count that much as long as its good music.

I`m an internet addict,but that sometimes works to my advantage as I`m always updated. If you are saying you are a fan of local hip-hop but knowing the trending 16 year old kid from Pretoria,ai you have to think twice. He goes by the name of A-Reece and he is signed to pH`s RawX,the same RawX that I onced heard that LunatikBeatz(KO`s Caracara producer) is an in-house producer of.LunatikBeatz is also still young,maybe in his late teenns or early 20`s.

Back to A-Reece.His age doesn`t match his raps,they are raw and matured,flow is on-point.The kid is the next big thing.S/O to XLR for there for the kid and also big up to pH for giving him a chance.His Browniez EP is dropping on the 28th of March and the launch will feature the likes of Khuli,KO,KidX,PH and will be hosted by JR.All this says alot about this kid.

Kwesta won the Best Rap album at the Metros few weeks back and the good thing `kwakuvota abantu` and he made history for winning an award without a hard copy,as the album was only digitally released.But on the 28th of March he will release a hard copy(if I`m not mistaken).

In few days I will be sharing the `free-local hip-hop link`,just keep an  eye here but can also check me on facebook: Tito Sean Junia. Till next time.


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